Nowadays, businesses are driven by the desire to show their customers or partners what quality, environmental protection, and just best practices all around are. Obtaining ISO certification is one of the main ways to achieve this. But how do you find out if the certification of a company matches? I mean ISO Certificate Verification.

Understanding ISO Standards: A Deeper Look

ISO standards are more than just guidelines; they’re the result of a global effort to streamline processes and solve problems across industries. Let’s delve into the organisation behind these standards, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

ISO: A Global Collaboration

ISO is an independent, non-governmental organisation bringing together experts from 167 member countries, including India (as of 2022). Its core mission is to create relevant international standards through knowledge sharing. Over 800 technical committees and subcommittees work within ISO to develop these standards.

A Wide Range of Standards for Every Need

In collaboration with national standards organisations, ISO has developed over 24,676 internationally recognised standards (as of February 2023). These standards encompass a vast array of topics, from manufactured products and technology to food safety, agriculture, and healthcare.

Focusing on Information Security

While ISO covers a broad spectrum, this blog focuses on information security standards.  These standards provide companies with a framework for safeguarding their information assets. ISO offers entire categories of standards (ISO 9000, ISO 27000, ISO 14000, etc.), each providing extensive information and support for implementation. Notably, standards ending in “1” are certifiable (e.g., 9001, 27001, 14001).

Examples of ISO Information Security Standards

Here are some examples of information security standards that organisations can be certified against:

  • ISO/IEC 27001: Information Security Management Systems (ISMS)
  • ISO/IEC 9001: General Quality Management Systems (QMS)
  • ISO/IEC 27701: Privacy Information Management Systems (PIMS)
  • ISO/IEC 14001: Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

A Note on ISO/IEC Standards

The “ISO/IEC” designation indicates the collaboration between ISO and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). This partnership ensures ISO standards cover a wider range of topics beyond just electrical systems, with IEC focusing on electrical and electronic technologies.

Understanding ISO Certification vs. Accreditation

Organisations seeking to formalise their compliance with ISO standards through a third-party audit might wonder if they need ISO accreditation or certification.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) itself clarifies the distinction:

  • ISO Certification: An independent certification body issues a written assurance (certificate) confirming that a specific product, service, or system meets the relevant ISO requirements.
  • ISO Accreditation: A formal recognition by an independent accreditation body that a certification body operates according to international standards.

Therefore, organisations aiming for third-party recognition of their ISO implementation should pursue ISO certification. This process results in a certification and a certificate demonstrable to stakeholders.

On the other hand, ISO accreditation is relevant for organisations that aspire to become certification bodies themselves.

Key Data Points for Validating an ISO Certificate

Key Data Points for Validating an ISO Certificate (1)

When evaluating an organisation’s ISO certification, it’s crucial to examine the certificate for specific information. These data points ensure the certificate’s legitimacy and allow you to assess its validity.

  • Certificate Number: A unique identifier tied directly to the organisation. This number can be used to verify the certificate’s validity through online searches.
  • Standards Certified: Clear identification of the specific ISO standard(s) the organisation meets, such as ISO 9001 or ISO/IEC 27001.
  • Scope of Certification: Defines the specific areas of the organisation’s operations covered by the certification. This clarifies which locations and business activities fall under the implementation of the ISO standard.
  • Expiration Date: A valid certificate will have a clear expiry date, typically three years from issuance.
  • Accreditation Body: Identification of the national accreditation body that authorized the certification body to conduct audits. This may include the body’s name and logo.
  • Certification Body: Identification of the third-party auditor who assessed the organisation’s compliance with the ISO standard(s). This may include the body’s name and logo.

10 Steps to Verify the Validity of an ISO Certificate in India

Key Data Points for Validating an ISO Certificate

When evaluating an ISO certificate presented by an organization, it’s essential to confirm its legitimacy. Here are ten key steps to ensure the certificate’s validity:

  • Check the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) Listing: Begin by confirming if the certification body that issued the certificate is listed on the IAF website. If not listed, the certificate may be questionable.
  • Verify National Accreditation Body: Ensure that the certification originates from a recognized national accreditation body within the organization’s country. Accredited bodies typically issue valid certifications within their geographical regions.
  • Examine the Expiry Date: Valid ISO certificates have a clearly defined expiry date, usually three years from issuance. An absent or expired expiry date indicates an invalid certificate.
  • Check Recertification Status: Determine if the organization undergoes recertification every three years to maintain ISO compliance. A missing or lapsed recertification suggests an invalid certificate.
  • Verify Suspension or Revocation Status: Investigate if the organization’s certification has been suspended or revoked. Suspension implies non-compliance with ISO standards, while revocation indicates a complete loss of certification. Avoid dealing with organizations in these statuses.
  • Confirm Third-Party Accreditation: Research the reputation and credibility of the accrediting body that certified the organization. Not all accreditation bodies hold equal weight in validating ISO certificates.
  • Direct Contact with Certification Body: The most reliable approach is to contact the certification body that issued the certificate directly. They can verify the certificate’s active status and provide information on the organization’s compliance standing.
  • Review Certificate Details: Scrutinize the certificate for accuracy and completeness. Valid ISO certificates should contain specific details such as certification scope, date of issue, expiration date, and the name of the issuing certification body.
  • Check for Authenticity Signs: Look for security features or authenticity signs on the certificate, such as holograms, watermarks, or unique identifiers. These can indicate the certificate’s legitimacy.
  • Consult ISO Registries and Databases: Cross-check the ISO certificate against official ISO registries or databases that list certified organizations. This additional step provides further assurance of the certificate’s validity.

By following these seven steps, you can confidently assess the legitimacy of an ISO certificate presented by an organisation.

Can You Verify An ISO Certification Online in India?

Yes! Fortunately, verifying an ISO certificate online is a straightforward process. The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) maintains a central database, IAF CertSearch, which allows you to search for valid certificates issued by accredited certification bodies worldwide.

Determining an ISO Certificate is Valid

Here’s how to use IAF CertSearch for ISO Certificate Verification:

  1. Visit the IAF CertSearch website
  2. Look for the section titled “Authenticate Accredited Certifications.”
  3. Enter the certificate number or the company’s name and address (if available).
  4. The system will display the verification results. If the certificate is valid, you’ll see details like the company name, standard certification, and the issuing certification body.


Are you looking to get your business ISO-certified? We can help you with that. At Legal Certificate Solutions, we’re experts in all things ISO, and we’ve helped organisations of all sizes achieve certification. Contact us today to learn more about how we can guide you through the process.


Q: How can I check if an ISO certificate is real online?

A: You can use a free online tool called IAF CertSearch. This is a reliable resource because it’s maintained by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), a respected international organisation overseeing accreditation bodies.

Here’s how to use IAF CertSearch:

  1. Visit the IAF CertSearch website (
  2. You can search for the certificate by either entering the certificate number (if you have it) or by searching by the company name and location (if that information is available).
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your search. IAF Cert Search will display the results, letting you know if the certificate is valid and what standards the organisation is certified to.

Q: What information do I need to verify an ISO certificate online?

A: Ideally, the certificate number is the best way to search for an ISO certificate. The certificate number is a unique identifier for that specific certificate. However, if you don’t have the certificate number, you can also try searching by the company name and address (if you have that information).

Q: Is the online verification accurate?

A: Using IAF CertSearch is a reliable way to verify an ISO certificate because it’s the official database maintained by the International Accreditation Forum, a recognised international authority on accreditation.

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